Saturday, 3 August 2013

Was speaking to one of my friends about the process of donation (and how many feelings I'm having) and a thing that struck me was how in my circles no-one is having kids. Yes, occassionally someone from secondary school has a baby and it goes up on Facebook, or a friend in their mid 30s has a kid with their husband, but the vast, vast majority of my friends are more at the living-with-a-partner stage of their lives. If that.

I mean, we all just graduated in the last couple of years (or haven't graduated yet).

So I feel like I'm worrying about alcohol consumption or getting fat or making a human being all on my own.

It's a bit weird.

Again, so glad I'm not raising a baby before the majority of my friends. It's just donation. No biggy.

Still. It's odd. She said, "I know I can't understand how you're feeling..."

It's interesting to be having a mini journey that no-one else is having. I hope I meet someone, someday, who also has donated some of their eggs. I hope some of my friends are inspired by how easy it is and do it themselves (once I've been through the whole process and can honestly recommend it).

I'm making a freaking baby.

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